You are now looking at the main site index page. All thumbnails below link to a page containing a larger version of the graphic and possibly a description of the design, such as the font, technique, objective and so on. There are currently 20 files to explore. (Of course, not all my designs are here). |
To navigate this site, begin by clicking on the thumbnail of interest, or click the right arrow above (and below) to start viewing the first design. While you are on the individual design pages, you can click the left arrow to go back to the previous page or the right arrow to go on to the next one. |
The up arrow brings you back to this index page. The circle on each page will, erm.. well you just go ahead and try. If you're ready to explore Zephyr's eXpressions of Visual Acuity, well, here you go. Enjoy!
Cheers! |
All verbiage and artwork on this site is copyright © Victor H. T. Toh 1997 / 1998